October 21,
You know you
are a missionary couple serving in the Chinese Branch in Melbourne, Australia,
excitement, you play “chicken” with the crowds on the sidewalk to see who moves
first to let the other pass…..Saturday feels different from the other days in
the week, because you go to the Farmer’s Market for produce and wear a more
casual coat to go to the city…….You look forward to Monday, because maybe you
can get a ride to Costco……For an evening diversion, you read all the flyers and
junk mail that comes……Your credit card bills top out at over $5000 the first
month you are on your mission……You get an early viewing of conference on an
IPad, watching it with a Chinese girl…….Conference is broadcast a week late in
Mandarin and is translated into Cantonese, Vietnamese, and thankfully English,
all in the same building…..In order to watch the big screen in English, you
ride bikes 4 miles to the stake center, falling against a fence on the way,
resulting in a small bloody cut that necessitates spending $10 to get one pair
of pants dry cleaned.
A drunk
spends the night sleeping on your parkstrip;
you make sure he’s alive and walk around him to go to the market…..An
electrician comes to change yet another light bulb instead of replacing the
faulty fixture, and the bulb works a week before sparking out and blowing a
fuse…..The TV channel selector doesn’t work, so you only can watch one snowy
channel…..Instead of having 6 kids who reluctantly help with technology related
questions/problems, you have 22 missionaries who are happy to get their hands
on your IPAD or computer for whatever reason….. You can’t use your computer or
IPAD, because the settings have been changed to Chinese or Vietnamese, and you
don’t know how to set them back….You walk a block and pay a seamstress $10.00
to sew up a 16 inch split seam in the butt of the pants of a very large Tongan
missionary, while providing him with a white baptism towel so he can continue
teaching an investigator….For a night out at the movies, you see Madagascar 3
because it is the only one with an appropriate rating….You pay $25 for a hair
cut, and it’s so bad, the members wonder if you cut your own hair (Max)…..You
ride a train, bus, two trams, and walk over a mile to buy three 1# cans of
Crisco at a USA food store, so you can make Halloween sugar cookies, then
realize you don’t have a rolling pin when you have time to make the cookies. (It seems vegetable shortening doesn’t exist
here. I refuse to use lard!)
You know
it’s a warm day, because the people you are smooshed against on the tram have
bad BO……Ladies on the tram who are all decked out in hats and heels are headed
for the horse races, while you are headed for a baptism….An early morning run
takes you by Maseriti, Lamborghini, and Ferrari luxury car dealerships, to name
a few, but you haven’t seen the front seat of a car since leaving the USA….a
huge department store in downtown Melbourne devotes an entire huge floor to cosmetic
counters….you spend $75 for a stock pot large enough to make food for all the
activities and walk through pouring rain
to get on a tram stop to get it home....After 11 weeks, the Chinese students
don’t all look the same….There are as many “ups” as “downs”….You realize that
President Uchdorf’s statement “lift where you stand” applies to us all,
regardless of where and what we are doing.
Australian money is like using play money. The smallest coin is a $2 coin, and they don't have a penny. Other coins are $1, 50 cents, 20 cents, 10 cents, and 5 cents. In stores, they round up or down if the cost ends in $1.99. Occasionally someone slips us a foreign coin, and we can't use those. Stuff costs a lot more than in US, but we are becoming more accustomed to the high prices. We are happy to buy diet coke 2/$5.00.
We hope to rent kayaks some sunny day and spend some time on the river.